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Useful information about education in Romania for Ukrainian refugees

Information on how to enroll your child in an educational institution

To enroll your child in kindergarten, school, after school clasess, or if you are a student and want to continue your studies in Romania, find out the steps you need to follow the link below.

Online school from the Ministry of Education of Ukraine

The Ukrainian Online School is a project created by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to continue distance and mixed learning for students in 5-11 grades.

The Ukrainian Online School provides every student and teacher from Ukraine with free access to education.

The platform includes video tutorials, tests, and self-study materials for core subjects.

Remote platforms for learning, self-development and getting help from the Ministry of Education from Ukraine

The team of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has compiled a list of useful resources for adults and children for psychological support, education and information.

Remote platforms include: an online kindergarten with video lessons for children from 3 to 6 years old, an Ukrainian online timetable for children in grades 1-11, daily meetings with certified psychologists, the Ukrainian Online School project and other educational projects for preschoolers and schoolchildren.

Free education in private schools in Romania

ASP is an Association of Private pre-university educational institutions in Romania. The Association of Private Schools offers students from Ukraine free education in more than 100 schools.

For more information send an email to or call +40723584872.

Kindergarten and school from JRS Romania

The non-profit organization JRS Romania organized a kindergarten for preschool children, as well as a school for first graders.

During the school year, first graders will be prepared at the school for an easier adaptation to the next year for entering the 2nd grade in a Romanian school. In addition to the basic subjects, special attention is paid to the study of the Romanian language.

You can find out how to register your child for classes by calling 0744 405 657 or email:

Kindergarten by Angel Appeal Romanian Foundation

Angel Appeal Romanian Foundation offers various activities for children and a kindergarten, where education is free, without pre-registration. The kindergarten is open from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 17:00.

You can sign up for kindergarten by calling:

  • +40723293769 Camelia Raita, address: bul. Stefan cel Mare 1.

  • +40770560741 Oana Pasalan, address: Raul Sadului alley 2.

School and kindergarten from the Caritas Confederation in Romania

The school from the Caritas Confederation offers additional education for Ukrainian refugees in Romania. There children can improve their knowledge of English, Ukrainian and mathematics. The school also has a speech pathologist and a psychologist.

Caritas School does not issue a certificate of completion of education, therefore, it is necessary to pre-register in the Ukrainian education system (for long distance learning or family education) in order to receive a certificate of completion of education at the end of the school year. There is also a kindergarten for children aged 4-7 years.

Schools are available in different cities in Romania. School address in Bucharest (grades 1-8): Colegiul Romano - Catolic Sfantul losif, metro station Constantin Brancoveanu.

Kindergarten address in Bucharest: str.Andrei Saguna, 81C, sector 1.

The “Ostrovok” Educational Hub in Bucharest

The “Ostrovok” Educational Hub in Bucharest offers free classes for refugee students from Ukraine.

Education in the 2nd and 4th sector is free.

  • Sector 2: from 0 to 11th grade. Address: Colegiul Național "Mihai Viteazul". Phone number: 021 252 5700

  • 4th sector: from 0 to 6th grade. Address: Middle School Ienăchiţă Văcărescu. Phone number: 021 335 5705

* Ukrainian HUBs in Bucharest do not certify children’s studies, the child needs to study online/family/external studies in Ukraine or in a public school in Romania.

For studying by yourself: digital textbooks

Here you can find free access and download digital versions of Ukrainian textbooks for students in grades 1-11.

Ukrainian secondary school Taras Shevchenko in Maramureș

In Maramureș, in Sighetu Marmației is the Taras Shevchenko Ukrainian High School, one of the few secondary schools in Romania with teaching in the Ukrainian language. For information on how to enroll your child, contact +40262 317 164

Address: Piața Libertății 22, Sighetu Marmației.

Educational Hub “Școala primară 95”

“Școala primară 95” is an educational Hub where kids can gain extra curricular lessons in the Ukrainian language.

The hub offers: Romanian and English language courses, art lessons, mathematics, educational games.

The goal of Școala primară 95 is to integrate Ukrainian refugee children into the Romanian society.

Address: Foisorului Street, no 111 - 113, Sector 3.