Have you arrived in Brăila and need help?
Find information on how to manage in a new city and who can help you.
Important contacts
Brăila County Immigration Office: 0239 606 100 /
Emergency call number: 112
National Anti-Traffic Hotline Romania ✆ 0800 800 678 / 021 313 3100
The support program for accommodation, meals and integration in Brăila
Information required for the accommodation, board and integration support program.
Public transport in Brăila
Find out how and where you can buy tickets for public transport in Brăila.
Medical services
If you need medical services, you can go to the County Emergency Clinical Hospital Brăila.
Here you can find a list of family doctors in Braila.
Organisations offering their support
Find support in your city - explore the map for service providers near you!
Women's Center
If you need support in accessing reproductive health services as well as support in navigating the health system or you need services dedicated to victims of domestic violence, click here.
Counseling for people living with HIV
If you arrive in Romania and need free, anonymous and confidential psycho-medical-social HIV services, you can receive the support of specialist doctors from 10 Regional HIV Centers in Romania, the expertise and support of Sens Pozitiv.